Webinars and Resources

Previous Webinars

Missed an earlier webinar? Watch previous GNWS webinars on COVID-19 by clicking the links below.

2 September 2020: https://youtu.be/R4HUHpa2PuQ

15 July 2020: https://bit.ly/GNWSWebinar12

1 July 2020: https://youtu.be/eRGpZeXyXxI

17 June 2020: https://youtu.be/mLEICnVTMNA

3 June 2020: https://youtu.be/aymp8kklfw4

20 May 2020: https://bit.ly/GNWS_8

6 May 2020: https://youtu.be/k2h0XGANrHM

29 April 2020: https://bit.ly/GNWS_6

22 April 2020: https://bit.ly/serving_survivors

15 April 2020: https://bit.ly/GNWS_4

8 April 2020: https://bit.ly/GNWSTech

1 April 2020: https://shelterasia.org/2020/04/01/report-on-coronavirus-webinar-2-policy-perspectives-on-protection-of-victims-of-domestic-violence/

25 March 2020: https://shelterasia.org/2020/03/27/video-and-qa-from-the-coronavirus-and-womens-shelters-planning-preparation-and-response-to-the-covid-19-pandemic-webinar/

Every GNWS webinar is recorded and sent to all registrants afterward. If you can’t make a webinar, we will still make sure you receive the information!



We’ve collected numerous resources throughout the webinar series and included our most requested resources links below.  We hope you find these resources helpful.

1. https://www.abaadmena.org/documents/ebook.1586444727.pdf

2. https://www.abaadmena.org/documents/ebook.1585739497.pdf

3. https://www.abaadmena.org/documents/ebook.1585738873.pdf

4. https://www.abaadmena.org/documents/ebook.1585917393.pdf

5. https://www.abaadmena.org/documents/ebook.1590059337.pdf

6. https://www.abaadmena.org/documents/ebook.1591342271.pdf

7. https://www.abaadmena.org/documents/ebook.1590135808.pdf


GNWS Women’s Helplines Project

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we know victims of domestic violence are on ‘lockdown’ at home with abusive partners due to stay home orders from their governments. Countries around the globe are reporting escalation of domestic violence and increased Google searches for help for domestic violence; abusive individuals are using the COVID-19 pandemic as another means to control and abuse. Even if a victim is unable to leave their home at this time, domestic violence and sexual violence services can provide essential support to help the victim remain safe.

Direct help is essential for victims of domestic and sexual violence and a helpline is one of the most important ways of ensuring victims can find help and support. To support all victims during this unique time and beyond, GNWS is collecting the national helpline for every country so victims and their friends and family have a place to find accurate support. Even if your country doesn’t have a national helpline, we want to know! In response to the pandemic, we are also asking about text, chat, and email helplines.

The included map shows countries we have received information from. Those in purple currently have a national helpline, those in red do not. Click the map to go to GNWS.org for a larger image and more information. Please take a few minutes to complete this brief form so we can continue to update our list of helplines. If you have already completed the form, thank you so much. Your information is greatly appreciated!


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We want to make sure facilitation with survivors is engaging, easily understood, and effective. What are some recommended tools or strategies to think through when deciding on platforms or applications to engage with survivors?

Here are some links on mobile advocacy – https://www.techsafety.org/resources-agencyuse/cell-phone-bestpractices and https://www.techsafety.org/resources-agencyuse/mobilecomputing-bestpractices

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