Read the GNWS Newsletter #5

Click here for our latest newsletter!

The Global Network of Women’s Shelters has exciting news and announcements to share with you! 2024 has been off to a great start of meaningful encounters and developments, all aimed at ending gender-based violence and providing women and their children all over the world with the help and support they need.

In our latest newsletter, you can learn more about: 

  • GNWS Parallel Event at CSW68 in NYC
  • Our view on the link between poverty and gender-based violence
  • In-person reception at Meta during CSW68
  • Upcoming news on the 5th World Conference
  • Garden of Hope Parallel Events during CSW
  • Lila.Help updates
  • #HeForShe in Ethiopia
  • 50 years of women’s shelters in Australia

Do you have any questions, suggestions, or stories to share? Please get in touch:

Warm regards,

The GNWS Team

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