Read the GNWS Newsletter #6
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As 2024 comes to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on a year filled with challenges and uplifting moments of connection. The fight against gender-based violence is undeniably tough, but every step we take together illuminates the path toward a more just and equitable world.
We are thrilled to share the latest edition of the GNWS newsletter with you! Inside, you’ll find inspiring updates and critical insights, including:
- Call to register for the 5WCWS
- Updates from
- Highlights from Wesnet in Australia
- Shelter Voices 2024 and Tech Safety from Women’s Shelter Canada
- Strengthening Alliances Against Gender-Based Violence: ANWS Delegates Visit Taiwan
- South America: Energy Crisis in Ecuador and Its Impact on Women Facing Gender-Based Violence
- Sacked – Anu Laas
- ABAAD’s Latest Publication: Countering Anti-Gender Backlash
Stay informed, inspired, and connected!
Together, let’s continue building hope and taking action for a better future.